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Derby based Accredited Indoor Training Centre with a wide range of fully accredited trainers with over 40 years' experience that can also offer on-site bespoke training


We are pleased to announce that the Training Society are now an approved centre for NVQs and SVQs from L2, Plant and Lifting Ops to L7, Construction Management qualifications.

For further details on any of our work based training courses, or to get a quote, please call 01332 986300 or contact our team using the button below:

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National Vocational Qualifications​ (NVQs)

Description: NVQs measure your competence against a set framework for a particular skill. This framework is known as a National Occupational Standard. NVQs have multiple levels. Higher levels require an applicant to demonstrate more complex skills. Level 2 NVQs are required for blue skilled CSCS cards, level 3 NVQs for gold CSCS cards and level 5, 6 and 7 NVQs (in a construction management qualification) for black cards.

NVQs are assessed on practical assignments and a portfolio of evidence that an applicant builds up. Normally an assessor will observe the applicant working and question them about the work they do. The assessor will then sign-off individual units within the NVQ once the applicant has reached the required standard.
Experienced workers can do an NVQ via On Site Assessments (OSAT) or Experienced Worker Practical Assessments (EWPA). These assessments result in the achievement of full NVQs but are quicker and cheaper than a traditional NVQ assessment. However they require the applicant to have several years experience in their occupation.

Scotland uses Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) instead of NVQs, but the fundamentals of the qualifications are the same.

Cards available: Skilled cardAdvanced Craft cardSupervisor cardManager card

For more information on our work based training courses, or if you would like to speak to one of our team at the Training Society, please contact us.

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The Training Society would love to hear from you

If you have any employment course questions, or would just like to discuss your work training requirements with us, we'd love to hear from you. Please use the button below to get in touch.

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We have a wide range of fully accredited trainers with over 40 years' experience that can also offer on-site bespoke training.

The Training Society also work alongside a number of other training suppliers to offer you nationwide training coverage at competitive prices. The Training Society is a CITB Approved Training Organisation (ATO).

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Company Registration Number: 12922755

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