Mini Medics (1 hour – 3 hours)
Mini Medics Mental Health is a basic introduction to
mental health for children between the ages of 9 and
13, but it can suit children of any age.
The course will provide learners with a basic
understanding of mental health, including what
mental health means, how it is linked to physical
health, what to do if they have a worry and the
various ways in which they can look after their
mental health.
A range of subjects are covered including:
• Understanding mental health
• Emotions and feelings
• Mental health problems
• Talking about mental health
• Looking after our mental health
This is a non-regulated course and
attendance is all that is required.
A fun and educational worksheet is
available for learners to test their
A certificate of attendance is
included to award the learners
for their efforts.
A maximum of 16 children
can be accommodated on this
course and ideally, all children
should be a minimum of 9 years
of age.